In order to register your student in a New York City public school, you may be required to present certain documents at the time that you register. As a parent or guardian, your student does not need to be present in order to register. Parents or guardians do not need to be present if the student is over the age of 18 or is emancipated.
What Documents to Bring
Bring the following documents with you for registration:
Certain documents will not be accepted as proof of residency or proof of address. These documents are:
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act defines that students in temporary housing are not required to submit documentation in order to enroll in a New York City Public School. This includes proof of address, proof of date of birth as well as immunization records. Schools must provisionally pre-register your student, while working with their Students in Temporary Housing Liason, in an effort to collect the necessary documents.
Notarizing DocumentsSome registration documents may include a section that requires notorization. These forms DO NOT require notorization and these sections may be left blank.
Additional Forms for RegistrationYou may need to fill out additional forms to register your student in a New York City Public school. These forms can be found here and includes: