Inclusion Support Plan Template
Early Childhood Education – Assessment Workbook Subject 10
Name of Childcare Service/Centre:
Name of Child/Alias/Pseudonym: Age: Sex:
*Please describe how you go about with the investigation, i.e. Who are the people consulted? What are the files reviewed?
Family Information The family members and the neighborhood will be consulted about the family information.
Health Needs Health needs will generally be consulted by the person for whom the demands are required. It can also involve the
family members.
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Inclusion Support Plan Template
Early Childhood Education – Assessment Workbook Subject 10
Services Accessed
(if any) These can generally involve a person who avails of the services.
Summary of Strengths and Interests
Strengths Interests Abilities
It can include passion as well as patience. Teaching a child something new and
watching the shine in their eyes when they
understand and see how proud they look.
It can develop strong communication skills.
They can effectively be able to organize and
plan things accordingly.
Identified barrier(s) to learning Emotional, social, and language barriers.
Additional needs
The additional needs here include whether a child contains
developmental conditions or well-being conditions that influence their
daily life.
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Inclusion Support Plan Template
Early Childhood Education – Assessment Workbook Subject 10
Goals Strategies Persons Responsible Resources Needed
Provide (2) goals
List the strategies designed to
meet the child's needs and
address his or her learning
List the names/designations of
people responsible for
implementing the strategies
List the resources available in
the service, as well as the
additional resources needed for
To promote the skills that help
the children to acquire new
It includes building foundational
cognitive skills.
The higher management team. The high-quality early education
programs for children.
To overcome the cultural and
language barriers.
Create a growth mindset
The educators. The new educational system
reflects its multicultural and
multilingual community.
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