Businesses and non-profits need to apply to reserve a name. If Registry of Joint Stock Companies approves the name for your use, you can register or incorporate your business or non-profit, or change an existing name.
Use the Reserve Name Form to reserve a name for your sole proprietorship, partnership, company, society, co-operative or business name (operating name).
If Registry of Joint Stock Companies approves your proposed name, you can register or incorporate your business or non-profit. Or you can change an existing business or non-profit name.
You can’t use the name until Registry of Joint Stock Companies has approved it and you’ve registered or incorporated your business or non-profit.
You need to register and do business with the exact name that Registry of Joint Stock Companies approves.
Registry of Joint Stock Companies checks if your proposed name is different from other names by searching for conflicts in the Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Corporations Canada and Canadian Trademarks databases.
Atlantic region and federal searches include a Nuans report. The Nuans report is a list of existing corporate and business names, as well as trademarks, that are similar to the one you’re proposing. The report helps you avoid choosing a name that’s already in use.
Choose the Atlantic region search if you only plan to do business in Nova Scotia. The Nuans report shows similar names from across the Atlantic region.
Choose the federal (Canada-wide) search if you plan to do business beyond the Atlantic region or your name contains ‘Canada’ or ‘Canadian’. The Nuans report shows similar names from across Canada. If you’re going to do business in other provinces, you need to register in those provinces as well.
Registry of Joint Stock Companies is currently experiencing processing delays. It may take longer than usual to process your request.
Sole proprietorships, partnerships, companies, societies and co-operatives need to apply to reserve a name. Incorporated companies, societies and co-operatives need to apply to reserve a business name (operating name).
It should take 2 days to get the name reservation results. It can take longer if more information is needed or if your form hasn’t been filled in correctly.
Activity | Fee |
Atlantic region search | $61.05 |
Atlantic region search (if you provide your own Nuans report) | $15.25 |
Federal (Canada-wide) search | $76.25 |
Federal (Canada-wide) search (if you provide your own Nuans report) | $15.25 |
If you already have a Nuans report dated within 90 days before you reserve your name, you can upload a copy of the report to reduce the cost of the search.
There’s no cost to reserve a name for a:
Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover), debit card, cheque, money order, cash. Make your cheque or money order payable to the Minister of Finance. Payment options may vary depending on how you reserve your name.
When you pay online you need to pay the fee by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Visa Debit, Debit Mastercard).
When you reserve your name online you need to create an account or sign in. You need to be an authorized filer for the business or non-profit if you’re reserving a name for an existing business or non-profit. You also need to upload any supporting documents in PDF format, including Consent to use name and Nuans report.
Other ways to applyYou can use the Name Reservation Request Form (PDF 101 kB) if you’re unable to reserve your name online. Send your completed form by mail or fax. Or call or visit Registry of Joint Stock Companies or Access Nova Scotia.