I Am Thankful! Lesson Plan

Students will explore and practice what it means to feel gratitude.

Social-Emotional Learning Focus:

ELA Skills:

key details, writing, vocabulary, opinion writing, sight words

Page 4 Skill:


gratitude, experiences, gratitude journal


RI.2.1, RI.2.4, RI.2.10, L.2.1, W.2.1, SL.2.3

Guided Reading Level:

Lexile Level:

Provide students with some background on gratitude.

Build background knowledge (10 min.)

Watch our video “Being Thankful.” After children have finished watching the video, discuss the following questions:

Preview vocabulary (3 min.)

Next, play the online vocabulary slideshow. This issue’s featured words are gratitude, experiences, and gratitude journal.

Set a purpose for reading (5 min.)

Read together (20 min.)

Pass out the Read and Think printable. Use it to check comprehension as you read the issue together, pausing to ask the questions.

You can use our printable worksheets to focus on important social-emotional and ELA skills. Here’s how.

Exit Ticket: Show What You Learned (5 min.)

ELA Focus: Vocabulary (15 min.)

Editor’s Pick: Problem and Solution (15 min.)

ELA Focus: Sight Words (15 min.)