The Alumni Management System is a simple PHP/MySQL project that helps a certain university/college school manages its alumni data. This project has 2 sides of users UI (user interface), which are the admin side/school management and the alumnus/alumna's side. The admin side can manage all the list of job posted, alumni list, events, forum topics, and the gallery. The alumni site can create an account (to be verified by admin), post a job opportunity, create a forum topic, and join to other forums, commit to participate in an upcoming event such as homecoming.
Talking about the flow of the Alumni Management System, universities/colleges school alumni will register to the website and this process will need the verification of the school management in order to enlist the alumnus/alumna in the website user. After the admin will verify the user as an alumnus of the school the alumni user can begin to explore the features or functionalities of the system on their side which are the job opportunities posted by other alumni or admin, a list of upcoming events, joining to the forum with the other alumni. For the administrator side of the system, aside from verifying the account and list of alumni, the admin also will manage the gallery to be displayed on the website and the gallery may contain some images of the school events with a short description. The admin will create the about content of the school to be displayed also on the website, this feature helps the school management update the about content of the system easily even without the presence of a developer. The admin can also post a job opportunity and can overwrite or manage the posted job and forum topic of an alumnus/alumni if any instances may occur.
I hope this simple Alumni Management System project will help you with what you are looking for. Feel free to download and modify the source code for more enhancements for your project the
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